Home and Community Care Services
Are you struggling with everyday life due to a health condition? You could benefit from Allied Health and Community Services offered by Bass Coast Health.
On this page:
People who experience difficulty carrying out the tasks of daily living may be eligible for services that will make their lives easier.
BCH provides these services for people aged under 65 (under 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) through the Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACC PYP). BCH also provides these services for people aged over 65.
We can help you with tasks around the home and caring for yourself, and offer medical assistance, social activities and transport.
Our services include:
- Community Nursing (District Nursing, Diabetes Education, Continence, Cardio/Pulmonary, Stomal Therapy, Integrated Chronic Disease Management and Wound Care)
- Allied Health services (Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Social Work, Speech Pathology and Counselling)
- Integrated Chronic Disease Management
- Meals on Wheels
- Social Support Groups
- Transport to medical appointments.
To learn about how we can help you, contact:
- To access Allied Health or Specialist Nursing services, contact our Access team on Access@basscoasthealth.org.au or Allied Health Reception by phoning 5671 3343
- District Nursing: Phone 5671 9219, fax 5678 5183, email: district.nursing@basscoasthealth.org.au