Interpreter Service
On this page:
Bass Coast Health is a culturally responsive health service committed to responding to the needs of patients from a culturally and linguistically diverse background (CALD).
Bass Coast Health supports the individual’s rights to an interpreter service and adheres to principles of equity in accessing care regardless of culture, origin or linguistic skills and being able to access language services to assist with the understanding of health care needs and consent for consumers from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds, including Auslan - Australian sign language.
What we do
Bass Coast Health can provide an interpreter service via Language Loop or Telephone Interpreting Service (TIS National) for emergency department visits, inpatient stays or outpatient appointments across the whole organisation.
Information for Consumers
Family, friends, carers should not act as interpreters and for this reason we offer services to be booked – where possible consumers country of birth, language spoken at home and the need for an interpreter, including Auslan will be accurately recorded in the consumer’s health record on admission to all BCH services and programs.
This service is charged to Bass Coast Health.
Where else to get information
Health Translations is an easy-to-use tool for health providers to have at their fingertips. The site has been redesigned to make it easier to find translated resources on a range of health and wellbeing topics from reputable content partners like Cancer Council Victoria, Melbourne Sexual Health, and Diabetes Victoria.
The site is located through this following link: https://