Health Services on Phillip Island
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Video posted September 2021.
Urgent Care Centre (UCC)
Phillip Island Health Hub
50 – 54 Church Street COWES 3922
Ph: 5951 2101
About UCC and Phillip Island Health Hub
The hub has two administrative bases: one for the UCC and one for the remaining services. The UCC area is staffed 24 hours a day whilst the Reception area is staffed Monday to Friday from 8am to 5.15pm.
Staffing numbers vary from day to day depending on which services are provided on the day. The model of care is that all Allied Health, Specialist and Community services are provided from both the Cowes and Wonthaggi sites, delivered by Bass Coast staff who mobilise themselves, rather than their clients.
The Urgent Care Centre sees between 10,000 and 11,000 patients a year.
A number of new services, that had been previously only been provided from Wonthaggi, were introduced to the Hub, the most important being a significant number of Medical Specialists. These medical specialist services have grown over the years with the Hub now facilitating access to Cardiologists, Nephrologists, an Echo Clinic, Gastroenterologists, General Surgeons, Geriatricians, Gynaecologists, Haematologists, Orthopaedic Surgeons, and a Respiratory and Sleep specialist. The visiting Urologist is a private specialist, with appointments booked through their rooms only.
These specialist services have greatly reduced travel time for Phillip Island community members, and over time as funding becomes available, more of these services will transition to Public Clinics which will mean there will be no cost to the patient.
Importantly, much of the equipment in the hub has been funded through the generosity of the Phillip Island community, with amazing advocacy and leadership from the Phillip Island Health Hub Auxiliary.
Specialists can see up to 40 patients a day; Allied Health up to 40.
Patients will be assessed according to their triage category, and referred back to their nominated General Practitioner for long-term follow-up.
All allied health and specialist services can be organised by phoning our Access team on 5671 3175 (Specialist Services require a valid/current GP Referral) or emailing
On Arrival
You will be seen by a receptionist who will take your details and then be seen by a nurse who will ask you some clinical questions and assess your injury or illness.
Patients will be prioritised according to their clinical needs. This means sicker people will always be treated first, even if they have not been waiting for long.
Your condition and assessment will determine whether you are treated at the UCC or whether you will be transferred to another service.
Pathology or radiology services can be accessed at 164 Thompson Avenue in Cowes during business hours. Patients will be responsible for any costs incurred for pathology or radiology services.
If you need medication, we will provide you with an emergency supply and a prescription, which can be filled at the following pharmacies:
Priceline Pharmacy 24 Thompson Avenue, Cowes Open: | Terry White Chemmart Phillip Island Shop 2,164-166 Thompson Avenue, Cowes Open: |
There is no cost for the doctor or the nurse. There may be some costs associated with medications or medical aids. If your management involves being transferred via ambulance to another health service, this will be at your cost.
This cost is completely covered if you have an Ambulance Victoria subscription, Pensioner Concession Card or Health Care Card.
Non-Medicare holders will need to pay a $550 attendance fee plus any other costs such as radiology and pathology, as these services are outsourced.
We welcome any comments or feedback you may have about the services provided. Our aim is to continually improve what we do.