Donate to Bass Coast Health
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About Us
Bass Coast Health is a sub-regional public health service caring for the community of Bass Coast and South Gippsland shires. Our goal is Excellence in Care by delivering person-centred care to improve health, wellbeing, care experience and health outcomes, within our community. We deliver safe, high quality care and are growing our service capacity and capability, including access to meet local and sub-regional needs. We have a skilled, motivated workforce that is highly valued. We are embracing innovation and technology.
Our Funding
Bass Coast Health receives significant funding support from the Commonwealth and State Governments to deliver care. We also received Government support for the completion of the Phillip Island Health Hub and Stage 1 of the Wonthaggi Hospital Re-development.
Why We Need Your Help
Bass Coast Health welcomes and relies on the generous support of local businesses and our community. As our service grows, so does our need to provide state-of-the-art technology for optimal patient care. Our service also includes the Phillip Island Health Hub that provides 24 hour patient care in the Urgent Care Centre, so we must provide the latest technology for the emergency departments of both Wonthaggi and Phillip Island sites. Stage 1 of the Wonthaggi Hospital Expansion opened in later 2022.
All donations, big and small, will benefit our health service and community. Together, we will grow quality health services locally. Join us on this exciting journey by donating locally and making your donation count. It's easy. Just click on the DONATE NOW button above.
Please direct any donation enquiries to our friendly fundraising staff on 5671 3372 or email
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