Child Safe Standards

A message to children and young people

Our commitment to child safety

Bass Coast Health is committed to child safety and is a Child Safe Environment. BCH has a zero tolerance for child abuse and is committed to acting in the best interest of children in our care. BCH is committed to provide a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.

Support services

Stuff for children

Stuff for young adults

Support services


How to raise concerns or provide feedback

If you have any concerns about child safety while accessing our services, please contact the unit or department manager, or provide feedback through the Bass Coast Health website to the Quality Department. We also welcome feedback from children who have accessed our services.

Children and Young People’s Rights in Healthcare Services Charter

Bass Coast Health respects that every child has the right to access health services without any discrimination. As a subscriber to the Children and Young People’s Rights in Healthcare Services Charter, we endeavour to ensure that every child and young person has the right:

  1. to consideration of their best interests as the primary concern of all involved in his or her care
  2. to express their views, and to be heard and taken seriously
  3. to the highest attainable standard of healthcare
  4. to respect for themselves as a whole person, as well as respect for their family and the family’s individual characteristics, beliefs, culture and contexts
  5. to be nurtured by their parents and family, and to have family relationships supported by the service in which the child or young person is receiving healthcare
  6. to information, in a form that is understandable to them
  7. to participate in decision-making and, as appropriate to their capabilities, to make decisions about their care
  8. to be kept safe from all forms of harm
  9. to have their privacy respected
  10. to participate in education, play, creative activities and recreation, even if this is difficult due to their illness or disability
  11. to continuity of healthcare, including well-planned care that takes them beyond and paediatric context.


BCH are compliant with the Victorian Child Safe Standards, the Reportable Conduct Scheme and The Children, Youth and Families Act 2005