While in Hospital
On this page:
Current Medications
To help the Doctor and Pharmacist check that the right medications are given to you while in hospital, please bring all your medications from home with you. Sometimes, the medications given to you in hospital may look different to the ones used at home as the hospital may keep a different brand of medication. Your own medication, such as inhalers and eye drops may also be used if the hospital does not have these available, so please ensure you bring them with you.
While in hospital, a Pharmacist may visit you to review your medications. It is important you tell the Pharmacist all the medications you take (including non-prescription and herbal medications) and any allergies or sensitivities you have to medications.
The Pharmacist will help the Doctor to give you the best medication treatment available and can explain any changes to your medications that may have been made by the Doctor. The Pharmacist can also answer any questions you may have about your medications. If you would like any additional information about your medications such as a Consumer Medicines Information (CMI) sheet, please ask one of the nurses, so that one can be supplied.
Discharge Medications
A medication summary may be prepared for you and this needs to be taken to your local doctor and any other follow up appointments that occur. Before leaving hospital you may be given prescriptions for up to one month’s supply of medication. The prescription can be dispensed in either the hospital pharmacy (during office hours) or at your local community pharmacy.
Family spokesperson
When you are ill, family and friends naturally want regular updates on your progress. However, frequent enquiries to the ward can make it difficult for staff to spend time caring for patients. To avoid this, please nominate one person to be the main contact who can keep everyone updated on your progress.
Patients and visitors are not permitted to have or consume liquor on the hospital grounds.
Aggressive Behaviour
Bass Coast Health has a zero tolerance policy and aggressive and violent behaviour towards staff or other patients will not be tolerated. Should this occur the police will be called and legal action may be initiated.
By coming to hospital you have implied consent to treatment. Certain procedures such as operations, the administration of anaesthetics and some tests may require your specific consent in writing. You will be advised of this. It is important that you understand and are fully informed of what is involved before you give consent. We encourage you to participate fully in decisions made about your treatment and ask any questions that you may have.
Electronic Appliances
Due to the potential fire risk, you must ask ward staff before you bring in personal electrical equipment such as hair driers, portable radios or CD players/IPod stations.
Please note that the hospital does not provide a personal laundry service.
Mail is delivered each weekday (excluding public holidays). All correspondence should be addressed with your given name, surname, room or ward number and name on the envelope. Incoming mail is delivered to your bedside daily. Ward staff will assist you with outgoing mail if necessary.
The Food Service Department strives to provide you with meals that are healthy, nutritious and as appetising as possible and appropriate for medical conditions you may have. Every day you will be given a menu card to order ahead for three meals. The hospital can cater for a wide range of dietary or religious needs. If you have a special dietary requirement or have any food allergies or intolerances, please let the nursing staff know when you book in or are admitted to hospital. A dietitian is also made available to patients and is happy to advise and assist on any aspect of your diet. Please ask your Health Professional for a referral.
Smoke Free Policy
Smoking is one of the largest preventable causes of death and disease in Australia and Bass Coast Health is committed to creating a smoke free environment and supporting people to stop smoking.
Bass Coast Health is a smoke free organization and smoking is not allowed on any of the Bass Coast Health sites for patients, visitors or staff.
A range of supports are available to inpatients, including nicotine chewing gum and patches. There is also QUIT literature available for your reference in the main foyer of the hospital or at www.quit.org.au.
For your convenience a public telephone is located in the main foyer of the hospital.
Patients in the acute wards may purchase a phone card from the Administration Office between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday and from Ward Clerks at other times. This will allow calls to be made from the bedside telephones.
We ask that you do not use mobile phones within the patient rooms of the hospital as these can interfere with the delicate monitoring equipment.
Television & Radios
Some wards provide TV facilities. TV controls are located in the Nurse Call Handset. Radios must be equipped with an earpiece at all times to minimise discomfort to other patients.
Witness to Legal Documents
Bass Coast Health does not permit staff to witness legal documents for patients or visitors. The organisation prefers that you arrange this through your Solicitor.
Volunteer Activities
For patients who do not have family or other external social supports, Volunteer visitors usually attend the ward Monday to Saturday. If required they may be available to purchase small items (such as toiletries) from the local shopping centre for patients.