Health Promotion at BCH
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Health Promotion
Bass Coast Health works as part of a wider primary prevention & health promotion team across South Gippsland and Bass Coast.
The South Coast Prevention Team is a result of a strong commitment by Bass Coast Health, Gippsland Southern Health Service and South Gippsland Hospital to work collectively across the sub-region with pooled health promotion resources. This model provides clearer policy direction and delivers better alignment of prevention work to the broader health agenda across the sub-region.
The South Coast Prevention Team work with our partners to identify health priorities for our community, with consideration of local health and wellbeing data, the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2019-2023 and extensive community consultation. The priority areas set the direction for sub-regional health and wellbeing efforts for the coming four years, via the Healthy Communities Plan 2021-2025.
Our Story and Priorities
Our Story: Community Health and Wellbeing Profile provides the health and wellbeing data of our community along with this animated video.
In line with the Community Health - Health Promotion Program Guidelines proposed focus areas, the South Coast Prevention Team will focus its efforts on:
Outcome: Our community has healthy lifestyles
Area of focus: Increasing healthy eating
Area of focus: Increasing active living
Outcome: Our community is protected from harm to their health
Area of focus: Reducing tobacco related harms
Outcome: Our community is respectful and free from family violence
Area of focus: Deliver a whole of community approach to family violence
The South Coast Prevention Team is guided by the following primary prevention principles;
- Whole of community, whole of systems approach
- Outcomes focused
- Prevention at scale
- Leadership at every level
- Mutually reinforcing activities
Key to the delivery of the work is a platform of strong and effective partnerships. These partnerships span health services, local government, education settings, sporting clubs, private businesses, state agencies, water corporations and community-based organisations.
Like to know more?
To find out more about the team, projects and resources visit the website. To contact the South Coast Prevention Team please email