My Aged Care - Community Aged Care Programs

My Aged Care provides a one-stop-shop for aged care services and information in Australia.

On this page:

My Aged Care (MAC) is for clients over 65 years, or over 50 years for people who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders. The Commonwealth Government has introduced My Aged Care to make it easier for older people, their families, and carers to access information on ageing and aged care, have their needs assessed and be supported to locate and access services available to them.

My Aged Care

From 01 July 2016, clients needing to access aged care services now call 1800 200 422 and speak to a contact centre staff member who will register them within the new My Aged Care system.

The My Aged Care Contact Centre operates Monday to Friday – 8am to 8pm and Saturday – 10am to 2pm.  The contact centre is closed on public holidays.

My Aged Care is set up to provide you with information about:

  • the different types of aged care services available
  • your eligibility for services and how you can find local services
  • assessments and referrals to the providers that can meet your needs
  • costs of your aged care services, including fee estimators.

The My Aged Care Contact Centre staff member will ask you a series of questions in order to understand your health needs. They will ask you questions about:

  • any supports that you are currently receiving
  • any health concerns that you have
  • how you are managing with activities around the home
  • some questions relating to safety in your home.

During the conversation, they will discuss some options which may include being referred for a home support assessment, a comprehensive assessment or a direct referral to services (where appropriate).  You will be asked to give your consent to create a personalised client record. This record will include up-to-date information about your needs and the results of any assessments or any services that you receive.

Having a client record will reduce the number of times you will need to retell your story. Only you, your nominated representative, your assessor and service providers will be able to access relevant information in your record.

To explore all of the information about aged care available on the website, visit or watch this video: 

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, we can help through the National Relay Service. Call 1800 555 677* and ask for 1800 200 422*.

If you need an interpreter, we can help through the Translating and Interpreting Service. Call 131 450 and ask for 180 20 422*.

If you are a veteran or war widow/er, you may be eligible for Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) services or programs. You can talk to someone from the My Aged Care contact centre for more information.

*Calls to 1800 numbers are generally free when made from a landline. All calls made from mobile phones are charged at the rates applicable to each telephone provider.