We welcome and value your feedback as it helps us know what we are doing well and where we could do better.
On this page:
We have a variety of ways for you to provide feedback:
Talk to us:
If you are still in hospital, speak to staff straight away. Staff can often address your concerns quickly, or ask a staff member to contact the Quality Office during business hours or the Health Services Coordinator after hours. We also have paper-based forms located in the hospital.
By phone:
You can contact our Quality Office on (03) 5671 3365, Monday – Friday between 8am and 5pm, or the Health Services Coordinator after hours on (03) 5671 3384.
Write to us:
You can email the Quality Office: or a letter can be posted to either the Quality Office or our CEO, PO Box 120, Wonthaggi, 3995
Care Opinion:
We also subscribe to Care Opinion, a safe and anonymous public website where you can share your story. You can access Care Opinion by using a paper-based form located in the hospital, or online at or by scanning the QR code:

If you believe your concerns are not being addressed adequately by BCH you can contact:
Health Complaints Commissioner | 1300 582 113 |
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner | 1300 363 992 |
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission | 1800 035 544 |
Disability Services Commissioner | 1800 677 342 |
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner | 1800 951 822 |