Chronic Disease Management

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Living with a chronic disease is tough, impacting people day and night. Sally Lowe and Carolyn Thatcher from Bass Coast Health (BCH) understand this all too well.

As Clinical Nurse Consultants – Chronic Disease Management, Sally and Carolyn are knowledgeable about many conditions and are empathetic towards the people they care for.

Carolyn and Sally help clients to enjoy the best quality of life while living with an ongoing disease, such as fibromyalgia, diabetes, lung disease, heart disease, arthritis, chronic pain, chronic fatigue or certain mental health conditions.

Sally said, “Together we look at the client’s whole health picture. We don’t focus on just one health condition as most have many contributing and overlapping factors.

“We work with people to understand their health conditions and help them to find the steps to better health.

“Often, it’s about getting people more active, eating better and more engaged in the community. We can talk to people about fresh food, thrifty cooking and how to find activities that don’t stretch their budgets further.”

Their connection with clients starts with an initial assessment of one-and-a-half hours. They will discuss the client’s condition, medication and treatment, which healthcare providers they see and level of health screening.

Carolyn said, “We then draw up a plan to help the client achieve their goals. For diabetics, that could be getting control of their blood glucose levels, by exercising or changing their diet.”

For people experiencing depression or loneliness, Sally and Carolyn can offer ideas for improving clients’ social connections by finding activities they enjoy and that are within their budget.

Clients are often referred to Carolyn and Sally by a General Practitioner, Registered Nurse or an Allied Health Professional.

Clients can also self-refer by contacting BCH’s Access team: or phoning 5671 3175.

Consultations with Carolyn and Sally are free for clients.

BCH provides this service for people aged under 65 (under 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) through the Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACC PYP). BCH also provides this service for people aged over 65.